IndustryBay offers worldwide shipping via United Parcel Service (UPS), FedEx or other local carriers.

Service Areas and Cutoff Times

Currently, shipment is only available in India. Our standard cutoff time is 2 p.m. local time. Orders submitted after the cutoff time are delivered within two to three business days from the following business day.

Multiple Shipments for an Order

If your order has multiple items, they may be shipped from different warehouses and arrive in different boxes on different dates. Each package will have its own tracking number but we do not charge extra for split shipments unless the item is subject to alternate shipping rates.

Ship to a Non-billing Address

If your order is shipping to an address other than the billing address associated with your credit card, we may contact you to list the alternate address with your credit card company. To prevent fraudulent use of your card, your order won’t be processed until your payment is confirmed.

To list the alternate address with your credit card company, call the customer service number on the back of your card and ask the agent to add the address to the notes on your account. Listing the address with your financial institution before you submit your order that is shipping to an alternate address helps us process your order quickly and more confidently.


Orders with multiple items may be shipped from different warehouses and arrive in different boxes on different dates; each package may have separate tracking details.

To find your tracking information on

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